Our makers are part of our global family. Their skills, time and dedication are a key component to what makes BeauTex Designs the brand that it is. 

We've chosen to team up with small independent family owned businesses that actively support their local communities, and provide much needed jobs and training in sewing manufacturing.

We spend about 8 months out of the year travelling and visiting with each of our makers where we get to see the working conditions, the company ethics, the workplace safety, and spend time getting to know the people that are making our clothes and bringing our mission to life. 

Each one of our suppliers are at a different stage of their sustainability journey, with some just beginning the process and some at the other end showing real innovation and leadership.

Our code of conduct is extremely important at every stage of the supply chain and we work closely with each of our makers to ensure they are compliant. For any areas of non-compliance, our approach is to work with them closely on improving their processes, rather than just exiting the relationships, as this provides the best outcome for both workers and the environment.

A number of our makers don't currently hold formal accreditations, as they are small family owned businesses in countries such as Taiwan, Indonesia and Vietnam where a lot of accreditations aren't currently offered at this time. We have a very hands on relationship with our makers and together are working towards BeauTex Designs becoming BCORP certified in 2023.